Do you sometimes do things that make you look stupid?
Well, I have some good news: it's not that bad.
Let me explain:
I learned this when I took my first Muy Thai class not too long ago. When we were warming up, the coach was yelling at us to do things. And I didn't have a clue what I was doing.
I was flapping around like a fish as I tried to keep up. Even worse, every wall in the gym was a mirror. So not only could I see how stupid I looked, but so could everyone else in the class.
It makes me feel bad.
It seems stupid.
BUT… I was changing how I saw my situation.
You know, "feeling stupid" is just a sign that I'm pushing myself to do something I'm not good at.
In other words, the phrase "feeling stupid" is often just synonymous for places where we are trying to grow.
If we're in situations that make us feel uncomfortable, it means we're trying to grow.
Did you know that God puts us in hard situations to help us grow?
I bet these people in the Bible felt strange:
Jesus asked the servants to bring water jars to the host. David was about to fight Goliath while wearing armor that wasn't made for him. Jonah went to Nineveh to talk to people who spoke a different language and had different customs.
The disciples went from town to town without money or a tunic and asked people for a place to sleep.
There are many examples of God putting people in very uncomfortable situations. They look very stupid.
But while they look stupid, God is growing them.
It's okay if you often "look dumb." Say, "This is how God is helping me grow this season.
People who constantly put themselves in situations where they look stupid because they are trying new things end up growing faster than people who want to look smart.
Look dumb.
Push yourself.
Follow the uncomfortable things that God is telling you to do.
You were made for greatness,
Thanks for this piece, Phil! Gosh, I do tend to get sucked into wanting to look good, when I’m really trying to place an audience of one.