Recently I got a text from a friend that really caught me by surprise. This is what he said.
Let me tell you the story behind this text.
It was an old friend who was in my small group about 8 years ago (Yes, 8!) He came from a rough time where he had a fallout spiritually. He came in pretty upset but wanted to give church a try again. And landed in my small group which I was leading.
He was not the easiest person to lead! Very opinionated and carried a lot of frustration with him. But the leaders and I felt such love and grace for him. We had a grace to keep him, love on him, and invest in him.
Little did I know, I think that was the beginning of a healing journey for him. God healed him (and supernaturally physically healed him at small group!). And he’s never left the church since.
Fast forward 8 years …
He is a healthy fruitful believer. And he is texting me because he is now leading his own small group. Now leading others through their own transformation in Jesus. Can you believe that? What a transformation!
You know what’s the wild part about this?
I feel bad for saying this, but I totally forgot about this small group.
It was so long ago! And many “small groups” ago.
But here’s the thing about fruit - you never know when seeds you plant years ago come to fruition.
Eight years ago, I would have never imagined that this would happen. My heart and mind were just focused on being faithful with what God put in front of me.
Here I am minding my own business in life now and EIGHT years later I get word of fruit of a seed I planted. That’s a long time!
Here’s some encouragement to you who are serving God:
Keep planting seeds. Kingdom work is about planting seeds. Only God gives the growth. Keep investing. Keep doing the work of God. It’s like an investment that accrues - things you plant here and now will bear for you a harvest beyond what would have reaped if you never planted.
Don’t be discouraged by what you don’t see. The kingdom of God is like a seed planted in a field. You go to sleep at night and next thing you know, a field has arrived. (Mark 4:26-33). This is the parable that Jesus taught. It’s okay to go to sleep. The seeds are now in the master Gardener’s hands (God). Trust more in the master Gardener’s hand to cultivate the field of his people than your own.
I hope this story encouraged you!
You were made for goodness!
I love these moments. It reminds me to press publish and step out. God uses all of it.