I heard something from a pastors' conference that really gripped my heart:
A generation ago, the heroes of the faith were martyrs and missionaries.
Today, they are “influencers.”
Something is wrong.
I have nothing against you if you’re a Christian and you stumbled onto fame.
I feel that we just need to be cautious of our aim of what success is.
Think about it - was John the Baptist “successful”?
He was! Jesus called him the “greatest prophet of all time.” He had his head on a platter served to King Herod.
There is no honor for Christians on this side of eternity - why then do we seek it?
Success is not the influence we have.
Success is our faithfulness to Jesus in the impact of the gospel.
To be famous for fame's sake is a cultural wineskin that weakens and compromises our faith.
What do you think?
You were made for greatness,