We Must Be Broken Before God Uses Us
He's looking for those who have gone through his breaking process.
We must be broken before God uses us.
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned about making a difference for God is this:
He’s not looking for perfect people. He’s not searching for those who have it all together. In fact, He is specifically looking for those who have been broken before Him.
He seeks people who have undergone the divine breaking process.
Just as the bread was broken before Jesus fed the five thousand, we, too, must be broken before God deems us ready to be used.
He desires to break our pride, our self-reliance, and our confidence in our own giftedness. Instead, He wants to create vessels that depend solely on Him.
He broke David.
He broke the Apostle Paul.
He broke the Apostle Peter.
Everyone He has used in Scripture—He has also broken.
If you are reading this and desire to be used by God, prepare for Him to break, shape, and mold you.
If you are in a season of breaking, do not be discouraged. Philippians 1:6 reminds us that "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion." His ultimate goal is to make you more like Jesus.
If you long to be used by God in great and mighty ways, embrace the breaking process.
This is beautiful. It reminds me of a sermon I heard that used the words of Jesus at the Last Supper to describe what he does with us, "taken, blessed, broken, and shared."
I needed this reminder so badly.
Constantly, I am getting stimulus from social media, advertising, and worldly people that I need to be perfect and have it all together.
Thank you, Brother. I appreciate you, and I appreciate this piece.
Let's get broken!