Oct 15, 2022Liked by Phil Chan

This was really good. Being a believer and loving Jesus can truly feel isolating sometimes, but the truth that were truly alone is merely a lie. This was good.

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It’s all theory until we’re at the enemy’s fire, looking at our friend being brutally punished for something He didn’t do.

I choose Jesus. Yes. All the time. Yes.

But that statement comes without real persecution and threat.

God knows I love and serve him alone. Lord bolster my faith and boldness in declaring Jesus when the days get very dark ahead.

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I struggle with this all of the time, my friend.

I think my “Jesus first” muscle has become stronger as I get older and put in more reps; but the temptations and pressure plague me a lot.

When I want to make a joke that’s funny by the world’s standards and my own flesh.

When I want to look good in front of others.

When I should be doing important work versus staying sedated in social media, NFTs, video games, etc.

When I’m called to say “no” to a gig, but I’d rather please others than God; or when the love of money take root.

The list goes on; and please pray for me! But this post was so helpful in recalibrating me towards choosing Him more!

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😭 "And after running the race for so long, we look to the left or right, it can feel that we are running alone." That hit me. I'm so grateful and blessed to have my husband who runs the race with me. As we have had to limit our time with others around us due to differing beliefs (some are Christians, but just believe differently), I draw closer to my husband and the Lord. Although it may feel lonely at times, my trust is in the Lord. Thank you for this great reminder that we are not alone in putting Jesus 1st in our lives.

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