Do you ever feel lost in your call from God?
Then read on.
Honestly, I feel that all the time. I feel like “man what am I doing with my life?” “Is my life going to amount to anything?”
It wasn't until I ran across this passage that I was greatly encouraged and received guidance. If that's you I have to share it with you.
So John the Baptist.
One of the most iconic heroes in the Bible right?
As you know, he has this incredible ministry. And in that people wondered what he was. It says in John 1, "Are you the Christ?" He said "no." Then they ask him, "Are you Elijah?" And he says "I am not" (v21)
Okay here's the kicker:
John the Baptist says that he was not Elijah.
But as you remember, Jesus says that he was Elijah. In Matthew 11, he says, "if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come."
So who's right?
Well, duh, it's Jesus.
So what does this mean? Something really really important that you need to understand:
Even John the Baptist didn't know his full calling.
He lived out his life, as one of the "Greatest prophets ever" (Jesus' words!), and didn't know what his full calling was. All he knew was that he was supposed to baptize people and prepare people for Jesus. He didn't know that he was fulfilling Old Testament prophesy of being Elijah. That was hidden from him. And kept secret.
Here's what you need to know:
If you don't know your full calling, it's not a big deal because not even John the Baptist (the greatest prophet) knew it.
People make a big deal out of having absolute clarity about what their lives will amount to and honestly, maybe that’s just not God’s deal?
So what then?
All John knew was that he was supposed to baptize people, and preach to people. What that amounted to, the story of his life, the legacy he would ultimately leave, is up to God, not him.
So in the same way, WHAT'S IN FRONT OF YOU?
Is it your job? Is it your family? Is it your ministry? Forget about your future calling if you feel discouraged about it. And simply be faithful to what's in front of you.
That's it!
That's the lesson for today.
Was this helpful for anyone out there who is discouraged about their calling? Let me know in the comments or reply to this email!
You were made for greatness,
Thank you for this reminder to not be overwhelmed by the entire picture.
"The entire picture" is an illusion and doesn't exist for us - that's God's job. Just be faithful in the next step. God will bless you with the big stuff if you can be trusted with the little stuff, like what's in front of you.
I just became a paid subscriber! Can't believe it took me so long lol!